Advanced Computer Applications

Quick Links:
How to Download MS Office at Home
Click on the links below to jump to the unit we are on!
Word PowerPoint Excel Access Resources
Ch. 4 Ch. 4 Ch. 4 Ch. 4 Final Exam Schedule
Ch. 6 Ch. 5 Ch. 5 Ch. 5 Setting Up Printers
Ch. 7 Ch. 6 Ch. 6 Ch. 6 Map Network Drives
  Ch. 7 Ch. 7 Ch. 7  

Jan. 22


Read over the Syllabus

ü  The signoff page must be returned by Friday

ü  If I do not receive your signoff sheet, you will receive zeros on assignments until I receive your sheet!

Skyward passwords and assignments--regularly check Skyward for accurate grade input. Usernames and passwords are now the same as your computer login.

Certiport Certification Permission Form--print off before 1st exam

ü  The signoff page must be returned before the first certification exam

Why MOS Certifications?

Detailed information on MOS Certifications

Classroom Norms:
  * Stay on topic/limit side conversations
  * Cell phones are placed within the wall cubby before the bell rings
  * Presume positive intentions
  * Respect self, others, and property
  * Willingness to TRY--productive struggle is part of learning
  * Do your own work
  * Help others when needed
  * No late work accepted

Getting Started:

Log onto your computers

Permanent seating arrangements TODAY!--Choose your seats as this will be your spot for the entire semester, unless I need to move you around.

Mapping Network Drives--we will do this together the first time

Create a folder within rm108users (Last Name First Name)

Create a class website link on your Desktop--optional

Add the class website as a Favorite--optional

Setting Up Printers--Install room 108 K3920 printer


Jan. 23

 Word Module 4


ACA 1.1-Create and manage documents

ACA 1.2-Format text, paragraphs and sections

ACA 1.3-Create tables and lists

ACA 1.5-Insert and format graphic elements

Learning Targets:

Students will be able to produce a Word document using a variety of advanced features for headers/footers and paragraphs.

Students will be able to evaluate a Word document to determine if section breaks or regular breaks are needed.

Students will be able to create and modify a table within Word to include formulas and advance formatting features.

Students will be able to an insert existing document into a new document.


Module 4: Creating a Document with a Title Page, Lists, Tables and a Watermark

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Animal Clinic Title Page and LastName Animal Clinic Sales Proposal

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 4 folder

Theme Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Word | Celestial Theme

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Word | Word Data Files

Do not print: section 4-3f in the ebook

Bullet File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Word | Word Data Files

Watermark Picture File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Word | Word Data Files


Jan. 24

 Word Module 4


Module 4: Creating a Document with a Title Page, Lists, Tables and a Watermark

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Animal Clinic Title Page and LastName Animal Clinic Sales Proposal

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 4 folder

Theme Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Word | Celestial Theme

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Word | Word Data Files

Do not print: section 4-3f in the ebook

Bullet File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Word | Word Data Files

Watermark Picture File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Word | Word Data Files

Jan. 25

Word Module 4

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 4: Animal Clinic Title Page and Sales Proposal


End of Module Questions

Open: End of Module Word 4 Questions

Save As: LastName Word 4 Questions

Jan. 26

Beginning of class:
  Syllabus sign-off sheet
DUE--turn into assignment basket


Word Module 4

Assignment/Homework DUE:

End of Module Questions

Open: End of Module Word 4 Questions

Save As: LastName Word 4 Questions

Print, submit and grade by end of class


Word Module 4 Application Project


In The Lab #2--Creating a Proposal with SmartArt, Complex Table, Picture Bullets, and Numbered List

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Tutoring Center Proposal

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 4 folder

Bullet File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Word | Word Data Files

Print: Do NOT print

Header: Add your last name

Jan. 29

Word Module 4 Application Project

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

In The Lab #2--Creating a Proposal with SmartArt, Complex Table, Picture Bullets, and Numbered List

Save As: LastName Tutoring Center Proposal

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 4 folder

Bullet File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Word | Word Data Files

Print: Do NOT print

Header: Add your last name


Word Module 4 Learning Target Checklist


Word Module 6


ACA 1.1-Create and manage documents

ACA 1.2-Format text, paragraphs and sections

ACA 1.3-Create tables and lists

ACA 1.5-Insert and format graphic elements

Learning Targets:

Students will be able to generate a variety of mail merge document types using Word.

Students will be able to design and modify a data source to be incorporated in a Word document mail merge.

Students will understand content control fields.

Students will be able to design a table based off of text.


Module 6: Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels and a Directory

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As:
LastName Cover Letter (6-2i)
LastName Prospective Employers (6-3c) **Access Database file
LastName Merged Mailing Labels (6-6a)
LastName Mailing Labels (6-6a)
LastName Envelopes (6-6a)
LastName Merged Potential Employer Directory (6-7f)
LastName Potential Employer Directory (6-7f)

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 6 folder| LastName Job Hunting

Do not print: section 6-2a in the ebook step #5

Do not print: section 6-5c in the ebook

Envelope Help: Step 5--Use your name and address that were used in the Cover Letter as the return address. You will hand type this information in. Preview Results and save as LastName Envelopes

Directory Help: Print directory

Jan. 31


Module 6: Generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels and a Directory

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As:
LastName Cover Letter (6-2i)
LastName Prospective Employers (6-3c) **Access Database file
LastName Merged Mailing Labels (6-6a)
LastName Mailing Labels (6-6a)
LastName Envelopes (6-6a)
LastName Merged Potential Employer Directory (6-7f)
LastName Potential Employer Directory (6-7f)

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 6 folder| LastName Job Hunting

Do not print: section 6-2a in the ebook step #5

Do not print: section 6-5c in the ebook

Envelope Help: Step 5--Use your name and address that were used in the Cover Letter as the return address. You will hand type this information in. Preview Results and save as LastName Envelopes

Directory Help: Print directory

Feb. 1

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 6: Job Hunting Mail Merge


Word Module 6


End of Module Questions

Open: Word 6 Questions

Save As: LastName Word 6 Questions

Print, grade and submit by end of class

Feb. 2

Word Module 6

Assignment DUE:

End of Module Questions

Open: Word 6 Questions

Save As: LastName Word 6 Questions

Print, grade and submit by end of class


Word Module 6 Learning Target Checklist

Feb. 5

Word Module 6 Application Project


In The Lab #3--Consider This: Your Turn: Create Thank You Form Letters

Use the Grading Rubric to help guide you!

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 6 folder| LastName Pine Valley Campground

Save As:

LastName Thank You Letter

LastName Merged Thank You Letter

LastName Campers Data Source **Access Database file

LastName Mailing Labels

LastName Merged Mailing Labels

LastName Envelopes

LastName Camper Directory

LastName Potential Camper Directory

LastName Part 2 Rationale

Use the Grading Rubric to help guide you!

Feb. 6

Word Module 6 Application Project

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

In The Lab #3--Consider This: Your Turn: Create Thank You Form Letters

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 6 folder| LastName Pine Valley Campground

Save As:

LastName Thank You Letter

LastName Merged Thank You Letter

LastName Campers Data Source  **Access Database file

LastName Mailing Labels

LastName Merged Mailing Labels

LastName Envelopes

LastName Camper Directory

LastName Potential Camper Directory

LastName Part 2 Rationale

Feb. 7

Word Module 7


ACA 1.1-Create and manage documents

ACA 1.2-Format text, paragraphs and sections

ACA 1.5-Insert and format graphic elements

Learning Targets:

Students will be able to construct a document that utilizes columns and multiple sections within Word.

Students will be able to create a SmartArt graphic to be placed within a Word document.

Students will explore advanced formatting techniques within Word.

Students need to understand basic Desktop Publishing Terminology.


Module 7: Creating a Newsletter with a Pull-Quote and Graphics

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Security Trends Newsletter

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 7 folder

Feb. 8


Module 7: Creating a Newsletter with a Pull-Quote and Graphics

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Security Trends Newsletter

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 7 folder

Feb. 9


Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 7: Creating a Newsletter with a Pull-Quote and Graphics

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Security Trends Newsletter

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 7 folder


Word Module 7 Application Project


Extend Your Knowledge: Adding Equations to a Newsletter and Enhancing a Namplate

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Frosh Tips Newsletter

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 7 folder



Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 7: Creating a Newsletter with a Pull-Quote and Graphics

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Security Trends Newsletter

Save Location: rm108users Word Module 7 folder


Setup GMetrix Account--if you don't already have one from Computer Applications

Launch GMetrix Training Code

Feb. 13

Word GMetrix Skills Review Training 1, 2 and 3

Feb. 14

Word GMetrix Core Practice Exam Training 1 and 3

Feb. 15

Word GMetrix Test

Must pass with a 800 or higher in order to be eligible for the certification exam.


Setting Up a Certiport Account

Please setup your Certiport account BEFORE Tuesday, as you will need it to log into your certification exam. You CANNOT create this account unless you have already submitted your consent form.


Read the following information before Tuesday

Feb. 16
No School for Students
Feb. 19
No School for Everyone
. 20
Feb. 21

Word Certification Exam

Need to earn a 700 to earn your certification.


If you are not certifying then you are working on PowerPoint Module 4.

Feb. 22

PowerPoint Module 4


ACA 3.1-Create and manage presentations

ACA 3.2-Insert and format text, shapes and images

ACA 3.3-Insert tables, charts, SmartArt and media

ACA 3.4-Apply transitions and animations

Learning Targets:

Students will be able to create a PowerPoint presentation using a variety of advanced formatting features.

Students will be able to categorize and place data within SmartArt graphics.

Students will be able to create, format and modify tables and charts within PowerPoint using advance formatting features.


Module 4: Creating and Formatting Information Graphics

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Area Recycling

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files

Feb. 23

PowerPoint Module 4

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 4: Creating and Formatting Information Graphics

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Area Recycling

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files


PowerPoint Module 4 Application Project


In the Lab #2: Creating a Presentation with SmartArt, a Chart, and a Table

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Recipes

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files

Feb. 26

PowerPoint Module 4 Application Project

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

In the Lab #2: Creating a Presentation with SmartArt, a Chart, and a Table

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Recipes

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files


PowerPoint Module 5


ACA 3.1-Create and manage presentations

ACA 3.5-Manage multiple presentations

Learning Targets:

Students will be able to collaborate (review and comment) on a shared PowerPoint presentation.

Students will be able to protect and secure a PowerPoint presentation so it can be disseminated and transferred.

Students will explore the variety of presentation tools.


Module 5: Collaborating on and Delivering a Presentation

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Chicago Final

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 5 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files

Save As: LastName Chicago Final

Save As (5-4a): LastName Chicago Final Show (Make sure you save your original before creating the show)

Save As (5-4b): LastName Chicago SmartArt

Skip 5-4 c & d

Save As (5-4e): LastName Chicago Final Previous Version

Save As (5-5b): LastName Chicago Final Duplicate (Marked as Final and Password Protected)

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 5 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files

Print (5-6d) this section only

. 27

PowerPoint Module 5

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 5: Collaborating on and Delivering a Presentation

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Chicago Final

Save As (5-4a): LastName Chicago Final Show (Make sure you save your original before creating the show)

Save As (5-4b): LastName Chicago SmartArt

Skip 5-4 c & d

Save As (5-4e): LastName Chicago Final Previous Version

Save As (5-5b): LastName Chicago Final Duplicate (Marked as Final and Password Protected)

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 5 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files

Print (5-6d) this section only

Feb. 28

PowerPoint Module 6


ACA 3.1-Create and manage presentations

ACA 3.2-Insert and format text, shapes and images

Learning Targets:

Students will be able to create a PowerPoint presentation from a Word document outline.

Students will be able to generate action buttons and create hyperlinks to websites, slides and files.


Module 6: Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Conquer Your Clutter.pptx

Save As: LastName Additional Clutter.pptx

Save As: LastName Conquer Your Clutter.docx

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 6 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files



March 1

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 6: Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Conquer Your Clutter.pptx

Save As: LastName Additional Clutter.pptx

Save As: LastName Conquer Your Clutter.docx

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 6 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files

March 2

PowerPoint Module 6 Application Project


In the Lab #2: Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Tyson County Art Classes

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 6 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files



Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

In the Lab #2: Navigating Presentations Using Hyperlinks and Action Buttons

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Tyson County Art Classes

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 6 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files


PowerPoint Module 7


ACA 3.1-Create and manage presentations

ACA 3.2-Insert and format text, shapes and images

ACA 3.4-Apply transitions and animations

Learning Targets:

Students will be able to animate slide content.

Students will discover how to create a self-running presentation.


Module 7: Creating a Self-Running Presentation Containing Animation

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Animated Drones

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 7 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files

March 6

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 7: Creating a Self-Running Presentation Containing Animation

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Animated Drones

Save Location: rm108users PowerPoint Module 7 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | PowerPoint | Data Files

March 7

PowerPoint GMetrix Skills Training 1--40 objectives

March 8

PowerPoint GMetrix Skills Training 1--40 objectives--Two submissions

PowerPoint GMetrix Skills Training 2--40 objectives

March 9

PowerPoint GMetrix Skills Training 2--40 objectives--Two submissions


PowerPoint GMetrix Practice Exam Training 2--35 objectives--Two submissions

March 13

PowerPoint GMetrix Practice Exam Training 3--35 objectives--Two submissions

March 14

PowerPoint GMetrix Test

Must pass with a 800 or higher in order to be eligible take the MOS certification exam.


If you didn't certify in Word

Setup a Certiport Account

Please setup your Certiport account BEFORE tomorrow, as you will need it to log into your certification exam. You CANNOT create this account unless you have already submitted your consent form.

March 15

PowerPoint MOS Certification Exam

A score of 700 or higher is needed to pass and earn your certification.


If you are not certifying then you are working on Excel Module 4.


March 16

Excel Module 4


ACA 2.1-Create and manage worksheets and workbooks

ACA 2.2-Manage data cells and ranges

ACA 2.3-Create tables

ACA 2.4-Perform operations with formulas and functions


Learning Targets:

Students will be generate and incorporate cell names into formulas and functions.

Students will be able to effectively implement financial functions (PMT, PV and FV).

Students will be able to analyze worksheet data using a data table.

Students will be able to print selections of a worksheet.

Students will be able to protect and hide worksheets and workbooks.


Module 4: Financial Functions, Data Tables and Amortization Schedules

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName NCU Mortgage Payment Calculator

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files


Excel Module 4

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 4: Financial Functions, Data Tables and Amortization Schedules

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName NCU Mortgage Payment Calculator

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

March 21

Excel Module 4 Application Project 1

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Extend Your Knowledge: 403B Planning Sheet

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName 403B Planning Sheet

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

Print: Formulas, 1 page, Header/Footer and your name within the worksheet as specified!


March 22

Excel Module 4 Application Project 2


In the Lab 1: Analyzing Education Savings

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Education Savings Calculator

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

March 23

Excel Module 4 Application Project 2

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

In the Lab 1: Analyzing Education Savings

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Education Savings Calculator

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files


Excel Module 4 Extended Thinking Partner Project


In the Lab #3: Determining the Break-Even Point

Apply your creative thinking and problem-solving skills to design and implement a solution.

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName BreakEven Point

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

March 2
No School for Students
March 27

No School for Everyone

March 28

No School for Everyone

March 29

No School for Everyone

March 30

No School for Everyone


Excel Module 4 Extended Thinking Partner Project

Assignment DUE:

In the Lab #3: Determining the Break-Even Point

Apply your creative thinking and problem-solving skills to design and implement a solution.

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName BreakEven Point

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 4 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

April 3
April 4

Excel Module 5


ACA 2.1-Create and manage worksheets and workbooks

ACA 2.2-Manage data cells and ranges

ACA 2.3-Create tables

ACA 2.4-Perform operations with formulas and functions

ACA 2.6-Create charts and objects


Learning Targets:

Students will be able to effectively implement Date, Time and Round functions.

Students will be able to work (customize, modify, and copy) with multiple worksheets.

Students will be able to generate formulas and functions that reference cells across worksheets.

Students will be able to identify and create format code.

Students will be able to design and create a pie chart using advanced formatting features.

Students will be able to create multiple lines of text within a single cell.


Module 5: Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Concert Venues Consolidated

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 5 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

April 5

Excel Module 5

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 5: Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Concert Venues Consolidated --There will be multiple files when completed. One for each sheet and a linked file.

Save As: LastName Concert Venues Stage Xanadu

Save As: LastName Concert Venues Truman House

Save As: LastName Concert Venues Durat Theater

Save As: LastName 2018 Consolidated--linked files

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 5 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files


Excel Module 5


In the Lab #1: Using a Master Sheet to Create a Multiple-Sheet Workbook

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Gladstone Schools

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 5 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

April 6

Excel Module 5

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

In the Lab #1: Using a Master Sheet to Create a Multiple-Sheet Workbook

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Gladstone Schools

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 5 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files


Excel Module 6


ACA 2.1-Create and manage worksheets and workbooks

ACA 2.2-Manage data cells and ranges

ACA 2.3-Create tables

ACA 2.4-Perform operations with formulas and functions

ACA 2.6-Create charts and objects


Learning Targets:

Students will be able to create a table.

Students will be able to generate a lookup table using a table array area and the VLookup Function.

Students will be able to identify cells that meet criteria using conditional formatting.

Students will be able to query a table using AutoFilter.

Students will be able to generate Criteria and Extract Ranges.

Students will be able to create treemap charts.

Students will properly implement and construct advanced functions (Sumif, Countif, Match, and Index)


Module 6: Creating, Sorting and Quering a Table

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Coffee Craft Daily Service Data

Save As (6-12d): LastName Coffee Craft Daily Service Data with Subtotals

Save As (6-13c): LastName Coffee Craft Daily Service Data with Treemap

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 6 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

Use your name as the new record!

Print when the book tells you to print--

   Make sure you have a Header with your Name and Class Period before you print

   Make sure you Fit To so it prints on one page

April 10

Excel Module 6

Assignment DUE:

Module 6: Creating, Sorting and Quering a Table

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Coffee Craft Daily Service Data

Save As (6-12d): LastName Coffee Craft Daily Service Data with Subtotals

Save As (6-13c): LastName Coffee Craft Daily Service Data with Treemap

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 6 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

Use your name as the new record!

Print when the book tells you to print--

   Make sure you have a Header with your Name and Class Period before you print

   Make sure you Fit To so it prints on one page

April 11


April 12


April 13

Excel Module 6

Assignment DUE Grading Rubric:

Module 6: Creating, Sorting and Quering a Table

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName Coffee Craft Daily Service Data

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 6 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files


Excel Module 6 Application Project


In The Lab #1: Creating Structured References, a Lookup Table and a Treemap

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName City Market

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 6 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

April 17

Excel Module 6 Application Project

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

In The Lab #1: Creating Structured References, a Lookup Table and a Treemap

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName City Market

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 6 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files


Excel Module 7


ACA 2.1-Create and manage worksheets and workbooks

ACA 2.3-Create tables

ACA 2.4-Perform operations with formulas and functions

ACA 2.6-Create charts and objects

Learning Targets:

Students will be able to create and use a template.

Students will be able to import data from text, Access, webpages, and a Word document.

Students will be able to convert text to columns.

Students will be able to insert and format a bar chart.

Students will be able to insert and modify a SmartArt graphic.



Module 7: Creating Templates, Importing Data, and Working with SmartArt, Images, and Screenshots

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName HSS Sales Analysis Template --to your rm108user folder

Save As: LastName HSS Sales Analysis--to your rm108user folder

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 7 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

Web Import: \\shlandesk\rm108shared\Classes\Advanced Computer Applications\Excel\Data Files\Module 7\HSS Store 33607 Sales Data.htm

April 18

Excel Module 7

Assignment DUE NO RUBRIC:

Module 7: Creating Templates, Importing Data, and Working with SmartArt, Images, and Screenshots

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName HSS Sales Analysis Template --to your rm108user folder

Save As: LastName HSS Sales Analysis--to your rm108user folder

Save Location: rm108users Excel Module 7 folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Excel | Data Files

Web Import: \\shlandesk\rm108shared\Classes\Advanced Computer Applications\Excel\Data Files\Module 7\HSS Store 33607 Sales Data.htm

April 19

Excel GMetrix Skills Review Training 1--61 Objectives

April 20

Excel GMetrix Skills Review Training 1--61 Objectives--DUE

Excel GMetrix Skills Review Training 2--61 Objectives


Excel GMetrix Skills Review Training 2--61 Objectives--DUE

April 24

Excel GMetrix Core Practice Exam 1 Training--35 Objectives--Due--2 SUBMISSIONS

April 25

Excel GMetrix Core Practice Exam 3 Training--35 Objectives--Due--2 SUBMISSIONS

April 26

Excel GMetrix Exam

Must pass with a 800 or higher in order to be eligible take the MOS certification exam.


If you didn't certify in Word or PowerPoint

Setup a Certiport Account

Please setup your Certiport account BEFORE tomorrow, as you will need it to log into your certification exam. You CANNOT create this account unless you have already submitted your consent form.


April 27

Excel MOS Certification Exam

April 30

Access Module 4


ACA 4.1-Create and manage a database

ACA 4.3-Create queries

ACA 4.4-Create forms

ACA 4.5-Create reports


Learning Targets:

Students will be able to create and format a report using advanced formatting features (grouping, sorting, controls, filters, etc.).

Students will be able to generate a report that involves multiple tables.

Students will be able to create a form in Design View using form controls and other advanced formatting features.

Students will be able to generate mailing labels.


Module 4: Creating Reports and Forms

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName PrattLast Associates

Save Location: rm108users Access folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Access | Data Files

May 1

Access Module 4

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 4: Creating Reports and Forms

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName PrattLast Associates---You will use the same database for the other modules

Save Location: rm108users Access folder

May 2

Access Module 5


ACA 4.1-Create and manage a database

ACA 4.2-Build tables

ACA 4.3-Create queries

ACA 4.4-Create forms


Learning Targets:

Students will be able to modify and enhance tables.

Students will be able to generate a multiple-table form.


Module 5: Multiple-Table Forms

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName PrattLast Associates--This is your database from Module 4

Save Location: rm108users Access folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Access | Data Files

May 3

Access Module 5

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 5: Multiple-Table Forms

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName PrattLast Associates

Save Location: rm108users Access folder

May 4

Access Module 6


ACA 4.1-Create and manage a database

ACA 4.2-Build tables

ACA 4.5-Create reports


Learning Targets:

Students will be able to create reports using advanced techniques.


Module 6: Advanced Report Techniques

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName PrattLast Associates--This is your database from Modules 4/5

Save Location: rm108users Access folder

Do NOT Print the Discount Report


Access Module 6

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 6: Advanced Report Techniques

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName PrattLast Associates

Save Location: rm108users Access folder

Do NOT Print the Discount Report


Access Module 7


ACA 4.1-Create and manage a database

ACA 4.2-Build tables

ACA 4.4-Create forms


Learning Target:

Students will be able to create forms using advanced techniques.


Module 7: Advanced Form Techniques

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName PrattLast Associates--This is your database from Modules 4-6

Save Location: rm108users Access Module 7 folder


May 8

Access Module 7

Assignment DUE and Grading Rubric:

Module 7: Advanced Form Techniques

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName PrattLast Associates--This is your database from Modules 4-6

Save Location: rm108users Access Module 7 folder

May 9

Access Module 7 Application Project


In the Lab #3: Applying Advanced Form Techniques to the JSP Analysis Database

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName JSP Analysis Database

Save Location: rm108users Access folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Access | Data Files

May 10

Access Module 7 Application Project


In the Lab #3: Applying Advanced Form Techniques to the JSP Analysis Database

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName JSP Analysis Database

Save Location: rm108users Access folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Access | Data Files

May 11

Access Module 7 Application Project

Assignment DUE:

In the Lab #3: Applying Advanced Form Techniques to the JSP Analysis Database

Log into --Use the Username and Password provided in class

Save As: LastName JSP Analysis Database

Save Location: rm108users Access folder

Data File Location: rm108shared | Classes | Advanced Computer Applications | Access | Data Files


Access GMetrix Training 1--30 objectives--2 submissions



Access GMetrix Training 1--30 objectives--2 submissions

May 15

Access GMetrix Training 1--30 objectives--2 submissions--DUE


Access GMetrix Training 2--30 objectives--2 submissions

May 16

Access GMetrix Training 2--30 objectives--2 submissions--Due


Access GMetrix Practice Exam 1--34 objectives--2 submissions

May 17

Access GMetrix Practice Exam 1--34 objectives--2 submissions--DUE

May 18

Access GMetrix Exam


Must pass with a 700 or higher in order to be eligible take the MOS certification exam.

If you didn't certify in a previous application...

Setup a Certiport Account

Please setup your Certiport account BEFORE finals, as you will need it to log into your certification exam.

You CANNOT create this account unless you have already submitted your consent form.


Class time for GMetrix studying for final certifications.

May 22

GMETRIX REDO Qualifying Exams

May 23
Period 3    8:10-9:40
Period 6    9:50-11:20
Lunch       11:20-12:30
Period 4    12:35-2:05
Make-up    2:05-3:30
May 24
Period 1    8:10-9:40
Period 2    9:50-11:20
Lunch       11:20-12:30
Period 5    12:35-2:05
Make-up    2:05-3:30
May 25
Period 7    8:10-9:40
Period 8   
We will be taking certification exams. If you have enough time to do two, I will let you do two. Just remember that each exam takes roughly the full 50 minutes allotted.